Photo of Shannon Jordan

Shannon Jordan

English - 9th Grade Teacher

Shannon Jordan has been part of the Ïã¸ÛÍõÖÐÍõg family since the fall of 2017. She came to Colorado Springs after living in Buena Vista 15 years. Ms. Jordan’s original career goal was to become a pediatrician, but after her children had entered school she decided to teach. After obtaining her Master’s in Elementary Education, Ms. Jordan started substituting K-12 in Buena Vista, finally landing at JICHS teaching English. In teaching, she found her calling and purpose in life, and was named a National Society of High School Scholars Outstanding Educator in 2022.

Ms. Jordan has 2 surviving daughters and a one-year-old granddaughter, and treasures her time with family. She enjoys writing, scrapbooking, reading, hiking, and cycling, and aspires to be a published author within 3 years.


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